Sunday, May 25, 2014

Just a thought...

Difficult situations, when life just isn't fair...

We all face difficult situations that involve the people we love. In some of these situations the wise course of action may be clear. We may feel a heavy burden to act but have no idea what to do. Sometimes, when I am not sure what to do in certain situations, I talk things over with God, reasoning it out, trying to do whatever I can. Then I try to do as much as I feel confident doing.

There are times when life just treats us unfairly. We may protest the injustice, fall victim to self-pity, give in to a 'poor me' kind of attitude, or sink into depression. During these times when life is unfair, what we really need is serenity. It takes serenity, courage and wisdom to maintain a healthy attitude when life isn't fair. We can't change the fact that our world is imperfect and things are far from the way they should be, but we can choose our attitudes. We need serenity from God to help us change our responses to the injustices of life. We need courage to face the optimism the days when we are treated unfairly. We need wisdom to know whether to fight injustice or to make the best of a bad situation.

I guess this is where self-perception comes in. How we view things that happen in our life. If we have lived in bondage to our compulsive behaviors for a while, we probably see more bad than good inside us. Many of us tend to see life in terms of 'all or nothing'. As a result, we probably think we are all bad. But in recovery we need a balanced view of our self. This will help us to better understand our shortcomings while also giving us greater hope in our potential.  We need to remember the Serenity Prayer.

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