Saturday, May 3, 2014

Holding on...

Have you ever fallen into that trap of thinking that you have to make something happen? You focus more on your efforts and ability than you do on God’s efforts and ability. I know in my life, I have told God about some amazing ways to fix stuff! But God doesn't really need my brilliance, He needs my trust. He wants my “Yes."

What are you believing God for today? What are the desires of your heart? When things don’t happen the way we expect or as quickly as we expect, we can be tempted to get discouraged. But just because people have told you “no” or circumstances have told you “no” doesn't mean God is saying “no.” Don’t give up hope just because you can’t see the promise yet. God is saying, “I haven’t left you. I haven’t gone anywhere. I haven’t turned my back on you!” God is right there with you. He doesn't expect you to do it on your own.

You may have had some big doors close in your life. People may have discouraged you or talked down to you. Maybe it looks like the world has told you “no," but there’s a “yes” stamped in your heart. Our biggest job is to step over all the “no’s” and keep moving forward. “No’s” tear us down and discourage us, but God’s promises always build us up. His promises build your character, faith and testimony. He wants you to grow and find strength in Him so you can hold on to His “yes” for your future!

I have a vision for my future... right now it doesn't seem possible but I do know that with God all things are possible.  I am holding on to the hope and the promise. God can transform our years of wandering into a purposeful journey and lead us into the land He promised us.

“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through Him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” (2 Cor. 1:20)

The Fear Prayer

God, thank You for helping me to be honest
Enough to see the truth about myself.
Thank You for showing me my fears,
Please help me remove them.
Help me outgrow my fears;
The fears that have haunted me
And blocked me from doing Your will.
Direct my attention to what You
Would have me be.
Demonstrate through me and
Help me do Your will always.

~ The 12 Step Prayer Book ~

My future is so bright I need sunglasses to look at it. ~ Joyce Meyer


  1. Em,
    Thanks for sharing your story. I have many mixed emotions as I read this... I'm so proud of you and your transparently to share something so personal. You have grown and changed so much through your recovery process. Your testimony will change lives I'm sure of it. There are some things I'd like to talk about at some point as I feel like I owe you an apology but now is not the time or place. You are am amazing woman who I am proud to call my sister. I love your writing and I love you!!!!

  2. Thank you.... I just texted you.... you can call me!!! I am just watching tv right now. Love you sis!
