Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I don't think pain goes away...

I don’t think pain goes away. I think we make room for it. With time, love forgiveness and healing, it eventually takes up less room. Not until then, are we able to fill up that space with a sense of peace and joy in our heart and soul.

-Brigitte Nicole

I so agree with this quote. I have known pain and I feel like what pain I have experienced I still have to some degree... but eventually other things fill that space and it becomes less and less but I am not convinced it goes away totally.

For example.. 

the loss of a loved one to death... the pain of that loss is there each time you think about that person. Does it get better... yes, because you learn to deal with that feeling of loss... you know they are gone and you know you can't have them back in this life but they are still gone and you still feel that pain. After almost 3 years I still miss my dad horribly and still feel the sting of that loss and still find it hard to believe he is gone. I can't imagine loosing a child... I imagine this is a pain you carry the rest of your life as a parent!!  

the loss of a loved one due to a failed marriage... felt the sting of that one too. It was one that I knew I needed to walk away from. My first love... even with the abusive situation I loved this man. I know he had issues and I know he could not overcome them on his own but I couldn't get him through them either. The help he needed he wouldn't admit to or accept. He has suffered a lot of losses to this issue and as far as I know is still dealing with this. Another failed marriage after ours... that is a pain you must carry always too... knowing you have issues but not having the courage to address them. In my case its a loss of a husband and a loss of my children's father. My kids feel this pain when they see families together and dad's loving on their kids... this is a pain that stings them down deep even though I know they would never say it to me. 

the loss of a loved one because they walked away... for whatever reason. I am sure knowing the reason would cause pain but NOT knowing the reason causes a hurt I can't even explain. Do I blame me? Yes, to some degree I do... Does he have issues?? Undoubtedly!!!  BUT does he feel the sting of that pain as well. I certainly like to think so and I certainly like to think he regrets his choice!!!  

there are a lot of 'what if's'  & 'what could have been' pains in a persons life and when something makes you stop and reflect on them you once again feel the sting of some pain.
there are so many different senerios that could be covered under this subject but I am saying all of this to make this point... pain is a part of life and there is really NO WAY to avoid it. Pain can make us grow and pain can make us see things in a different light. Pain should make us reach to our Lord and Savior if we really believe that He has our best in mind. I am a firm believer that God does not CAUSE our pain!!  God does not take our loved ones away from us... He does not cause anyone to have sickness... and He doesn't cause the pain... pain is a result of sin... pain is a result of others actions in some cases.  

Every choice we make has a result good or bad on someone!!!  We notice the bad more quickly... but do we do what needs to be done as a result of pain?  Do we choose to still love the Lord after feeling pain?  Do we choose to forgive the offender of our pain? Do we get up out of bed and live our life to the fullest after we have a major painful experience?  

What we do in our pain and with our pain is important to healing.... Life goes on in the midst of our most painful experiences!!!  

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